Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Work, Names and Parties

So, I'm on holidays!! How. Fantastic. I can relax and recover, but I also have time to try and find some part time work. I went out yesterday to hand around some resumes, but I didn't have much luck until I went to Banneton - a french bakery/ cafe near where I live. They specialise in wood fired breads, but they also do pasteries and coffee, and they were looking for stalf! They were interested in the barista course I did about a month ago (I don't think I told you about that) and they asked me to go back today to talk to the manager - I'm leaving soon.

So hopefully I will get a job there :) Anyway, It's my Birthday in a month and a half too, so I have been planning a picnic party thingo for it.

I'm inviting about 6 people, and we are going to have an ALL WHITE picnic afternoon tea at a nice park down the road. Then we are going to come back to my house to have dinner on the terrace.  I'll post pictures afterwards.

Anyway here are the names I like at the moment:



I have been playing the sims again lately... there are ALOT of Noëls and Mardies who look EXACTLY the same haha oh well, at least the houses are different. I dont find actually playing the sims fun, what I like is building and decorating the houses.

Steph xx

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

One Day At A Time

Hey everyone!

So, I realise I haven’t written a blog in about two months… apologies. My only excuse is that I have been going through a really tough time lately; what with being physically, mentally and emotionally a wreck most days and all. 

I guess just everything got a bit too much. Not a very uncommon thing, I know, and I have felt overwhelmed before, but this time it was (is) different than my usual ‘mini meltdowns’.  I flipped. I ran crying out of church, proceeded to run away from the friend that followed, and hid behind the building for the entire service, trying to knock myself out against the wall and struggling with thoughts of suicide… I worry myself sometimes. After a while people came looking for me and I had a good long chat with our youth pastor. I can’t even remember HOW I said everything I did, but I guess it all just needed to be said and so it came out   :\   

We talked for agers, at least two hours. It was really good actually, I just blurted out everything that was going wrong, or had gone wrong, or I was worried would go wrong and he just listened for the most part. I don’t really think he understood why I was feeling the way I was – he came to some odd conclusions – but I think I just needed to offload and he happened to be there.

Having good days and bad days, like anyone, at the moment.

When I was at my worst, this thought was a big comfort:

God sustains our every single heartbeat. He controls everything, and knows everything, and there is nothing that he cannot handle. His strength and his grace are sufficient for us, and in our weakness we see his strength. 

Praise God! Praise The Lord!

All I need is the strength for one day at a time, and The Lord takes care of that – and the rest. 

Steph xx